Function of OSI model|OSI model explain| OSI model layer in hindi | difference between tcp/ip and osi model

 What is Function of the ISO-OSI layers ?

  • All the application  need not use all the seven layers  show in table.
  • Each layer is supposed to handle message or data from the layers which are immediatlely above or below it.
  • This is done by following following the protocols rules.Thus each layers takes data from the adjacent layer,handles it according to these rules and then passes the processed data to the next layer on the other side.


Name of the Layer



Physical Layer

Make and break connections,define voltage and data rates

  data bits into electrical signal.Decide  whether transmission 

is simple,half duplex or full duplex.


Data Link Layer

Synchronization,eroor detection and correction.To assemble 

outgoing message into frames.


Network Layer

Routing of the signals,divide the outgoing message into 

packets to act as network controller for routing data.


Transport Layer

Decide whether transmission should be parallel or single path

 Multiplexing,splitting or segmenting the data,to break data 

 into smaller units for efficient handling.


Session Layer

 To manage and synchronize conversation between two 

 systems. it controls logging on and off user indentification 

 billing  and  session management.


Presentation Layer

It works as a translating layer.


Application Layer

Retransferring files of information,LOGIN,password checking 


Functions of Different Layers :

Layer 1 : The physical layer :

  • To activate,maintain and deactivate the physical connection.
  • To define voltage and data deactive the physical connection.
  • To convert the digital bits into electrical signal.
  • To decide whether the transmission is simplex,half duplex or full duplex.
  • A physical layer does not perform the following operations:
  • It does not detect or correct erros.
  • it does not decide the medium and modulation.

The Example of the physical layer protocols are RS-232 or RS-449 standards.
osi  model physical layer.jpg
physical layer

Layer 2 : Data link layer :

  • Function of the data link layer are synchronization and error control for the information which is to e transmistted over the physical link.
  • To enable the error detection,it adds error detection bits to the data which is to be transmitted
  • The encoded data is then passed to the physical layer.
  • These error detection bits are used by the data link layer on the other side to detect and correct the errors.
  • At this level the outgoing message are assembled into frames,and the system wait for the acknowledge to be received after every frame transmitted.
  • Correct opertion of the data link layer ensures reliable transmission of each message.Example  of data link layer protocols are HDLC,SDLC  and X.25 protocols.
osi model data link layer.jpg
data-link layer

Layer 3 : The network layer :

  • To route the signal through various channels to the other end.
  • To act as the network controller by deciding which route data should take.
  • To devide the outgoing message into packets and to assemble incoming packets into message for the higher level.
  • In the short network layer acts as the network controller for routing data.
osi model network layer.jpg

Layer 4 : The transport layer :

   As the name suggest this layer provides the transport services.The functios of         the transport layers are as listed below :

  • It decides if the data transmission should take place on parallel paths or single path.
  • It does the functions such as multiplexing,splitting or segmenting on the data.
  • Transport layer gurantees transmission of data from one system to other.
  • It break the data group into smaller units so that they are handled more efficiently by the network layer.
osi model transport layer.jpg
transport layer

Layer 5 : The session layer :

  • This layer manages and synchronizes conversations betweenn two different application.this is the level at which the user will establish system to system  connection.
  • It controls logging on and off,user indentification,billing and session management.
  • In the transmission of data from one system to the other,at session layer streams of data are marked and resynchronised properly so that the ends of the message are not cut prematurely and data loss is avoided.
However the two most important services provided by the session layer are :

1. Dialog control 2. Dialog separation

Dialog Control : Dialog Control is the means by which a sending and receiving system initiate a dialog,exchange message and finally end the dialog. 

Dialog Separation : It is a process of inserting a reference marker called as checkpoint into the data stream travelling between the sending andd receiving system.this allow the checking the status of both the machine at the same point in time.This will avoid any possiblr cofusion and collision situation.

osi model session layer.jpg
session layer

Layer 6 : The presentation layer :

  • The presentation layer makes it sure that the information is delivered is such a form that the receiving system will understand and use it.
  • The form and syntax of the two communication system can be different examle,one system is using the ASCII code for file transfer and the other uses IBM EBCDIC .
  • Under such condition the presentation layer provides the "translation" from ASCII to EBCDIC and vice versa.
  • It carries out data compression to reduce the bandwidth of the data to be transmitted.
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presentatio layer

Layer 7 : Application layer : 

  • Application layer is the top of the all layrs. it provides different services such as  manipulation of information in various ways,retransferring the files of information ,distributing the result etc to the user who is sitting above this layer.
  • The function such as LOGIN ,or password checking are also performed by the application layer.
  • It provides distributed database sources and access to the worldwide information about various object and services.
  • It provides a basic for e-mail forwardig and string.
osi model application layer.jpg
application layer

Exchange of information using the OSO model :

  • At the physical layer, communication is direct machine X send a stream of bits  to machine Y.
  • At higher layer,each layer in the sending machine adds its own information to the message it receives from the layer just above it and passes the whole packge to the layer just below it as.
  • The information added by each layer is in the form of header pr trailers.Headers are added to the message at the layers 6,5,4,3, and 2 .A trailer is added at layer 2.
  • At layer 1 the entire package is converted to a form that can be transferred to the receiving machine.At the receiving machine, the message is unwrapped layer with each process receiving and removing the data meant for it.
  • The upper OSI layer are always implemented in software(4,5,6 and 7) and lower layer are a combination of hardware and software(2,3) except for the physical layer which is mostly hardware.
  • Layer 1,2 and 3 are the nnetwork suppot layers.They deal with the physical aspect of moving data from one device to another such as electrical specifications,physical connections,physical addressing and transport timing and reliability.
  • Layer 4 the transport layer ensure end to end reliable data transmission.
  • Layer 5,6 and 7 they allow interoperability among unrelated software systems.

osi model information exchange.jpg

difference between tcp/ip and osi model



Has 7 layers

Has 4 layers 

Transport layer gurantees delivery of 


Transport layer does not gurantee 

delivery of packets.

Separate presentation layer 

No presentation layer,characteristic are 

provided by application layer.

Seprate session layer

No session layer ,characteristic are pro

-vided by application layer.

Network layer provides both connection

-less and connection oriented services.

Network layer provides only connectio

-nless services.

It defines the services,interface and pro

-tocols very clearly and makes a clear 

distinction between them.

It does not clearly distinguish between 

services interface and protocols.

The protocols are better hidden and can

be easily replaced as the technology cha


It is not easy to replace the protocols.

OSI is truly a general model

TCP/IP can not be used for any other


Horizontal approach

Vertical approach

It has a problem of protocol fitting into

a model

The model does not fit any other proto

-cols stack